

A Digital Edition that Seduced Animation Professionals and Enthusiasts!

2020-07-01 00:00

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With an abundant offer, numerous unreleased works, more than 200 films, 32 meetings and 40 Mifa events, the challenge was met! Professionals, movie-buffs and the general public all attended this Annecy 2020 online edition. 

Thank you to the 15,570 participants, professionals, rights holders and institutions who followed and supported us on this entirely unique project, initiated a mere two months ago.

We hope that you were able to take advantage of the opportunities that this unique edition offered you.

Nothing can replace the fervor of an "on-site" Festival, its open-air screenings, Annecy’s inimitable and friendly atmosphere, the main cinema theatre during the Official screenings (with paper-planes, "lapin!", and standing ovations), the fascinating formal (or not!) Mifa meetings, and discussions with leading experts from all over the world.

Yet, Annecy took the challenge head on by reinventing and offering an alternative to a cancellation, which for us was inconceivable.

THANK YOU to everyone for being there!