Culture   Connects   the   World

        龙世文化集团创立于2001年,创始初期以“国家大型活动的担当者”为己任,先 后承接2008年奥运会、2010年世博会、2022申冬奥、以及文化部、商务部等数百 项国家级政府宣传活动,并策划制作了《北京欢迎你》、《北京祝福你》、《We are ready》、《国家》等多首国家级音乐IP,获得了国家的大力认可。

          如今龙世文化集团再度起航,龙世文化集团以:“活动”、“影视”、“健康”、“文旅” 四大产业板块为核心布局文化领域,将产业与文化融合,形成有规 模影响规模效益的“新文化产业”格局。


Exhibited Programs


         The River That Flows South



    Though not the only river originating in China and flowing south,It is the only onethat runs through six Asian countries before joining the sea。
    In these six countries over 90 different ethnicities thrive along the river,Only by looking at their traditions and rhythms of life can we appreciate how people’s lives have been shaped by the river。
    Running through myriad landscapes it brings color and beauty into people’s lives as it flows,Only by reaching into people’s minds can we really get to know the river。
    By telling the stories of the diverse peoples connected by the river,we reveal wisdoms as ancient and timeless as the river itself。

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