《旗旗号巡洋舰》改编自著名童话作家郑渊洁同名作品。用丰富多彩的世界观,奇妙有趣的故事情节,可爱精美的动画的形式展现了主角皮皮鲁和旗旗号船员们不畏艰难、勇往直前、热心助人、敢于冒险的童话故事。让小朋友们在观看动画的过程中学会如何待人处事、建立社交,如何发现问题、解决问题。 It’s an adaptation from the work by famous writer of fairy tales Zheng Yuanjie. Within this colourful world, through fantastic plots, lovely animation, it tells the fairy tale of the hero PiPilu and the crews from Chichi, who are brave, courageous, willing to help each other and daring to take risks. During the screening, children will learn how to deal with people, build up their social lives, and how to identify problems and solve them.