简介: 财富与野心共同野蛮生长的年代,贪婪悄悄催生罪恶,灰色吞噬规则法度。穿越黑幕交易的重重迷雾,经侦大队夏国雄秉持一份忠诚和信念,历时十载,誓要将潜逃国外的经济罪魁缉捕回国。然而,当真相越来越近,夏国雄却发现自己曾经仰望的师友前辈,甚至是亲密爱人,似乎也在金钱的闪烁反光中,变得面目模糊起来…… Introduction: In the age of raging wealth and ambition, greed quietly gave birth to evil, and the gray area engulfed the rule of law. Going through the heavy mists of unseedy trades, Xia Guoxiong at the economic investigation brigade, with determination and loyalty, spent 10 years bringing the mastermind of economic crimes back to China. However, with the truth becoming ever clearer, Xia Guoxiong discovered that the venerable teachers, friends, and even his intimate lover, seemed to waiver in the short-lived embrace of money.