墨墨是一个顽皮捣蛋的街舞少年,机缘巧合之下,被看重他身手的包老师留在了小昆班当义务劳动生。墨墨十分机灵,街舞跳得很好,但同时也很调皮,包老师为了管住这个“问题儿童”,使用“激将法”,故意不让墨墨参与正式演出,这反而让墨墨更加认真地投入到训练之中。粉粉是一个家境贫寒但十分乖巧的女孩,原本报考小昆班演奏组的她在墨墨的“掺和”下,考取了演员组。两人互帮互助,最终一起站在了戏台之上。 (英语)Momo is a naughty hip-hop boy. Mr. Bao finds his talent and asks him to join the Kunqu Opera troupe as a volunteer. Momo is smart. He is good at street dance and very naughty. Mr. Bao adopts a “provoking tactic” to tame the troublemaker. Momo is excluded from official performances, and this prompts him to train harder. Fenfen is a nice girl from a poor family. She applies for the musician training. Momo encourages her to join the performer training. The two help each other and finally make their debut on stage.