因为家庭变故,三个没有血缘关系的小孩成为了新的家人,一同经历,相互扶持。然而,原生家庭造成的伤害依然存在,曾经伤害过他们的人也再次闯入,打着家人的旗号想把他们分开。一边是彼此认定相互珍惜的新家人,一边是无法选择、关系淡漠的亲生父母,他们勇敢面对,也努力让父母直面了自己的问题。以家人之名相互治愈,才能清醒无畏地走下去,成为更好的自己。 ►Synopsis: Because of some accidents of their families, three unrelated children have become new family members, living under the same roof together and supporting each other. However, the damages caused by their original families remain, and those who hurt them before crash into their life again, trying to separate them by the titles of their original family members. On the one hand, they have new family members that they cherish, and on the other hand, they have indifferent biological parents that leave them no choice. They confront the difficult situation bravely and try to make their parents realize their own problems. Only by healing each other as family members, can they go ahead fearlessly and turn into better selves.