电视剧《功勋》取材于首批“共和国勋章”获得者的真实故事,以“国家叙事、时代表达”的艺术手法,用单元剧的形式,将首批功勋人物的人生华彩篇章与共和国命运串联起来,诠释了他们“忠诚、执着、朴实”的人生品格和献身祖国人民的崇高境界。 Medal of the Republic is a Chinese anthology drama series, based on the true stories of the first group of recipients of the "Medal of the Republic", China's highest honor for those who have made great contributions to the country. Focusing on the nation and the times, the series weaves glorious chapters of the heroes' contributions into the fate of China, to illustrate their loyalty, persistence, and modesty as well as their lofty spirit of selfless devotion to the country and the people.