南庆帝国,皇子间为争皇位暗潮汹涌。李云潜,诚王之子,因贤名受瞩目,遭太子、宁王忌惮。 太子暴虐,借天象诬陷诚王谋反。李云潜得神秘女子叶轻眉相助,破解天人感应,预测星象,重获皇信。叶轻眉来自“神庙”,精通古今,有武功高强的五竹相伴。两人与范建、陈萍萍结为挚友。 为助李云潜,叶轻眉等人策划反击太子。利用外邦比武,剥夺太子党羽权力。太子派杀手刺杀李云潜,被五竹击败。李云潜揭露禁卫军丑闻,设连环计,太子因虐杀营妓等罪名被废。 太子被废后,宁王成皇位第一顺位继承人。皇帝却扶持前太子子李云啸为皇太孙,与宁王、李云潜三足鼎立。李云啸与李云潜联手揭露宁王残害孩童丑闻。皇帝亲临现场,对宁王失望。 李云潜与叶轻眉心怀理想,欲建人人平等、民众自由之国。为除暴虐的李云啸,范建在科场舞弊案中以身入局,离间太学学子与李云啸关系。李云潜乘胜追击,覆灭皇太孙势力。 然随权力增长,李云潜内心变化,猜忌伙伴和爱人。尤惧叶轻眉神力和监察院独立。一次练功走火入魔,心底怀疑爆发。 叶轻眉智慧超群,拥神秘力量,令李云潜敬畏忌惮。五竹武功高强,无人能敌。李云潜担心叶轻眉威胁皇位,害怕监察院对抗自己。 诚王殡天,李云潜即登皇位。内心猜忌恶念愈强,在后宫挑唆下,计谋用在叶轻眉身上。叶轻眉产子最虚弱时遭暗算离世,死因众说纷纭。 叶轻眉离世,李云潜内心震撼。明白为权力付出太大代价,失去太多珍贵之物。然历史车轮滚滚向前,他只能继续前行。 叶轻眉子被五竹带走,以“范建之子”范闲名义抚养。范闲成长历程充满传奇,预示《庆余年》新篇章开启。李云潜登皇位,内心空虚孤独与日俱增。知已走无法回头路,只能面对未知未来。 The Nanying Empire was engulfed in covert struggles among imperial heirs. Li Yunqian, eldest son of virtuous Prince Cheng, became a target of Crown Prince Ning's tyranny and false treason accusations. With celestial mastery, Ye Qingmei - a mysterious woman from the Temple of Mystery accompanied by invincible Wuzhu - assisted him. Together, they decoded astral patterns to prove his innocence, restoring imperial trust. Ye Qingmei's alliance with Fan Jian and Chen Pingping formed a powerful trio. They strategically used foreign martial tournaments to dismantle Prince Ning's faction. When assassins attacked Li Yunqian, Wuzhu's martial prowess foiled the attempt. Li exposed royal guard atrocities through meticulous investigations, leading to Prince Ning's impeachment on charges of murdering camp prostitutes. After Prince Ning's fall, Prince Ning remained a presumptive heir. Emperor Qian's unexpected appointment of former Crown Prince Li Yunxiao as Heir Apparent created a tripartite power struggle. Li Yunqian allied with Li Yunxiao to expose Prince Ning's child-abuse scandal, resulting in public disillusionment. Li Yunqian and Ye Qingmei envisioned an egalitarian kingdom but faced new challenges. To eliminate tyrannical Li Yunxiao, Fan Jian sacrificed himself by infiltrating a corrupt imperial examination scandal, alienating academy scholars from the prince. Li Yunqian seized the momentum to crush the Heir Apparent's regime. However, absolute power corrupted Li Yunqian's soul. Suspicion toward companions and lover escalated. His fear of Ye Qingmei's divine powers and the Imperial Surveillance Office's independence grew. During a critical martial arts session, his inner conflicts boiled over. When Prince Cheng died, Li Yunqian ascended the throne with deepening paranoia. Manipulated by palace intrigues, he plotted against Ye Qingmei during her postpartum weakness. Her mysterious death sparked speculation, but Li Yunqian remained convinced of his actions. Though history continued onward, Li Yunqian's reign became increasingly hollow. The loss of Ye Qingmei and Fan Jian's sacrifice weighed heavily on him. Meanwhile, their son Fan Xian - raised by Wuzhu under the guise of Fan Jian's son - emerged as the next generation's protagonist, hinting at new adventures in Qingnian.