环球同此凉热,边界逐渐模糊,然而地球上多元的风土,依旧定时守信,孕育出多彩的食物,以古老的方式,静默的力量,帮助我们在日趋雷同的日常生活里,辨认对方,看清自己。 中国并不是美食的孤岛,国外美食同样能引起大家的共鸣。从历史过往到今时今日,食物经历了时间的变化和全球化的流转。世界美食背后,有着浓浓的人情味,食物的迁徙背后,正有着移民迁徙的足印。 在全球视野里审视中国美食的独特性,在历史演化过程中探究中国美食的流变,深度讨论中国人与食物的关系,并勾勒出恢弘的中华美食地图,从美食中折射出中国人民族个性的侧面。 (英语)Documentary series Once Upon a Bite will lead you through a mouthwatering trip in China and around the world. The program explores unique Chinese food from a global perspective, and probes into the evolution of Chinese cuisine over a historical backdrop. Chinese people are world-famous food lovers, and food reflects characters and lifestyles of the people. With this exclusive map of Chinese food, you will hold the key to understanding China. Once Upon a Bite, with 8 episodes, will be exclusively broadcasted on Tencent video platform in 2018, after 4 years’ preparation. Sampling from a vast variety of food, the program will depict delicate details and touching life stories of people in China. As an advanced version of A Bite of China, it will set a new benchmark for food documentaries. Chief director Chen Xiaoqing devoted himself to explore a wide range of topics about food and culture together with the best documentary production team in China. They will set a brand new feast for audience around the globe.