中国商船十三名船员在湄公河运输途中惨遭杀害。中国警方迅速组成以江海峰为首的专案组前往老挝、缅甸、泰国交界的金三角一带调查,在克服重重困难后,拨开案情迷雾,终于将嫌疑人锁定在以抢劫、敲诈、贩毒为生的苏沃集团身上。我国公安部门和老挝、泰国、缅甸四方组织了联合专案组,决定彻底清剿苏沃集团。不料苏沃阴险狡诈,心狠手辣,数次与专案组搜捕队发生正面交火并逃脱。中国警方为首的联合专案组在长达8个多月的抓捕过程中,走过千山万水、克服了千难万险,将苏沃团伙逐一抓获归案。 (英语)The series is based on real events. On the quiet and beautiful Mekong River, there is a sudden burst of gunfire. The crew of the Chinese merchant ships Yuanping and Xingsheng are all gone missing. Not long after, bodies of the 13 Chinese crew members are retrieved from the river. This is the Mekong River massacre that occurred on 5 October 2011 that shocked the world. The Chinese side quickly takes the lead in forming a joint task force, with Jiang Haifeng (acted by Chen Baoguo), Director-General of Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, as the task force leader, who testifies to his international counterparts that the victims are innocent, while recruiting senior criminal police officers, including Gao Ye (acted by Wang Qianyuan), to join the task force. As the police track down, Mong Hong (acted by Danny Lee), Canlila (acted by You Yong), Mo Xiong (acted by Eddie Cheung) and other cunning and vicious drug dealers emerge. A deadly battle between good and evil is about to begin.