《医道无界》敬首个中国医师节。该片全面反映自1963年中国派出第一支援非医疗队后,55年来中国医疗援助非洲所作出的努力和成就,展现中国两万多名医疗队员践行“不畏艰苦、甘于奉献、救死扶伤、大爱无疆”的中国医疗队精神。 (英语)It is a TV documentary film, which comprehensively reflects the efforts and achievements of Chinese medical aid to Africa in the past 55 years since China sent its first medical team to support Africa in 1963. It records the medical team's sudden outbreak of Ebola, malaria and schistosomiasis, risking their lives to go deep into the epidemic areas and save their lives, the arduous efforts to control the spread of the epidemic and the amazing miracle of overcoming the plague record the true and touching story of mutual love and mutual rescue between the Chinese medical team and the African people.