在祖国的东北边陲,有一颗璀璨的明珠,这个地方因《红太阳照边疆》而知名全国,这里便是吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州的和龙市。东维度的地理位置,赋予了和龙四季分明的气候特征,连绵起伏的长白山脉和纵横交错的河流,造就了和龙多种多样的地形地貌,大自然的鬼斧神工,更是让和龙拥有了风貌奇异、独具特色的旅游资源。 风情万种的和龙秋韵自然是四季中那一抹最亮丽的色彩。 On the northeastern border of the motherland, there is a bright pearl. This place is known throughout the country because of the song "The Red Sun Shines over the Borderlands". It is Helong City in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province. Its geographical location at the eastern longitude endows Helong with a climate characterized by four distinct seasons. The rolling Changbai Mountains and crisscrossing rivers have created a variety of topographies and landforms in Helong. The uncanny workmanship of nature has given Helong unique and characteristic tourism resources. The charming autumn charm of Helong is naturally the most beautiful color in the four seasons.