


  • 大禹治水

    Aynı adı taşıyan Çin klasik halk hikâyesine dayanan bir animasyon olan "DA YU", bir efsane olan Da Yu'nun hikâyesini anlatıyor. Da Yu büyük sel sırasında İmparator Shun’un emriyle göreve getirildi ve Geng Chen, Bo Yi, Shu Hai gibi pek çok kişinin türlü zorluk ve engelin üstesinden gelmesine öncülük etti. Bu ekip tarama ve engelleme gibi yöntemler sayesinde selleri kontrol etmeyi ve sel felaketini yatıştırmayı başardı, ki nitekim Su Tanrısı Gong Gong'u dize getirdiler. Da Yu ve Tu Shan’in arasındaki dokunaklı aşk hikâyesi yine bu hikâyede değinilen konular arasında yer alıyor. Zira efsaneye göre Da Yu üç defa evin içinden geçiyor ama hiç evin içine girmiyor ve bu durum da zorlu durumlardan ve tehlikeden asla korkmayan bir karakter oran Da Yu’nun ruhani yönünü öne çıkarmaktadır. Tüm bunların yanı sıra, Da Yu dünyayı o kadar önemsiyordu ki, kendi kişisel ilişkilerini her zaman ikinci plana atmak zorunda kalmış.

    2022-11-14 15:15

  • 之江故事

    2022-11-14 15:15


    2022-09-30 10:35

  • Heavenly Sword Dragon Slaying Saber

    2022-09-30 10:32

  • The Pioneer 3: Pegasus

    2022-09-30 09:45

  • DR. TANG

    2022-09-30 09:08


    2022-09-29 10:33

  • Are You Safe?

    2022-09-29 10:20

  • Bright Future

    2022-09-29 09:44

  • The Examination for Everyone

    On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2020, at two senior high schools with different teaching styles in Jinhe, Anhui Province, No.1 Senior High School and No.4 Senior High School, students in Grade Three were in full swing preparing for the college entrance examination, but each had his or her own troubles. Monitor Tian Wenwen's parents ran a shop in Wuhan all the year round, leaving her to live alone; top student Zhou Bowen's mother had to work hard to make ends meet for the whole family as his father had been decadent for years; Pan Xiaoxuan, a slow learner, lived a boarding life all the year round because of his parents' divorce; Wu Jiajun's mother had great ambitions for his son which brought him great pressures; Gao Mingyu, a poor student, had good grades, but he was distracted by taking care of his grandfather. The epidemic hit and changed everyone's life: Tian Wenwen had to live with her parents again, and the depressed emotions for many years gradually broke out; Zhou Bowen tried to help his father cheer up; Wu Jiajun wanted to take the arts colleges' admission exam, but was resolutely opposed by his mother; Gao Mingyu couldn't have online courses because of poverty... The outbreaks of the epidemic had kept Shi Aihua and Wang Benzhong, two principals with different personalities, busy. In order to ensure students' review for the college entrance examination, Wang Benzhong, the principal of No.1 Senior High School, ran the school with an iron fist and strict management. He even ate and lived with students to ensure their safety; Shi Aihua, the principal of No.4 Senior High School, updated the online teaching equipment, paid attention to students' psychological issues, raised the national flag live, and mobilized the enthusiasm of teachers and students; Director General Qin of the Education Bureau actively mobilized and deployed in advance to lead schools to tide over the epidemic smoothly.

    2022-09-28 15:21

  • Da Yu

    Based on the same name Chinese classic folk story, the animated "DA YU" tells the story of the ancient hero Da Yu. He was ordered by Emperor Shun during the big floods, and led Geng Chen, Bo Yi, Shu Hai and others overcame many difficulties and obstacles. By the way of the combination of dredging and blocking, they succeeded in controlling the floods and pacifying the flood disaster, and eventually defeated the Water God Gong Gong. At the same time, it is interspersed with the touching love story between Da Yu and Tu Shan, and the ancient tales about how he passed through the house but never entered for three times, showing the spirit of Da Yu, who was not afraid of difficulties and dangers, and he was so cared about the world, that he put Public interests before his private affairs.

    2022-07-12 15:15

  • A Little Reunion

    College entrance examination is a national topic that is most concerned by people. It is both a watershed that marks the reversal of fortune and a prelude for children to farewell the families they grow up in. Fang Yifan, Ji Yangyang, Qiao Yingzi and Lin Lei’er, four high school students in their senior year who come from different families and have different ideals and ambitions, meet on the “battlefield” of Spring Breeze High School. Meanwhile, their parents, Fang Yuan, Tong Wenjie, Song Qian, Qiao Weidong, Ji Shengli, Liu Jing and others are competing with each other in the dark in “Scholar Garden”, a famous community for parents to accompany exam-taking students. In the exam room, students are fighting their ways out with pens as their weapon; outside the exam room, parents are engaging in a fierce battle for educational resources. Amid raging altercations and painful choices, they eventually reach reconciliation and achieve personal growth. As the second program of Linmon Picture’s education series, the game around the college entrance exam that A Little Reunion depicts rekindles national discussion.

    2022-07-12 15:10