讲述了四灵仙尊李青月(白鹿 饰)与大成尊者白九思(曾舜晞 饰)相爱相杀,最终解开误会,共度劫难拯救苍生的绝美仙侠爱情故事
2025-01-10 13:08
本剧讲述了关于"生命中最深沉的爱恋,最终仍是抵不过时间"的故事。不羁剑客霍展白(曾舜晞 饰)为友人之子求药,结识药师谷谷主薛紫夜(李沁 饰),八年时间,各有执念的二人从争锋相对,到成为惺惺相惜的知己,却因各自背负的责任而难言爱意,最终天人永隔。
2025-01-10 12:31
庶子罗慎远(张晚意 饰)和嫡女罗宜宁(任敏 饰)两人渐渐互生情愫、相互扶持;在罗慎远的帮助下罗宜宁惩治了杀母凶手,在罗宜宁的鼓励下,罗慎远也连中三元,替师父洗清冤屈。
2025-01-10 12:17
2025-01-10 12:12
本剧改编自豆瓣阅读连载小说《六姊妹》,作者伊北。 新中国成立后,何常胜为支援社会主义建设,携家带口从扬州江都移居安徽淮南,在淮河边上扎下了根。在接下来的二十年中,何常胜连得六个女儿,却在一场车祸中告别人世。大姐何家丽和奶奶何文氏、妈妈刘美心一起承担起了家庭重担,安顿妹妹们成家立业。时代在变化,何家六姊妹也经历了婚恋、工 作、生活等命运起伏,但她们团结一心,共同面对人生的风雨,在生活的磨砺中,六姊妹们也终于明白父亲生前反复强调的“家”的意义。
2025-01-10 12:08
2025-01-10 12:05
程小时(蒋龙 饰)自小因父母失踪,受到邻居乔苓(卜冠今 饰)一家的照顾,在经营照相馆时结识陆光(毕雯珺 饰),程小时和性格迥异的陆光拥有合作进入照片的特殊能力,作为记者的乔苓获知两人能力后,也加入“时光代理人”委托小队,三人共同踏上帮助他人弥补遗憾、寻找真相,完成自我成长的奇幻旅途。 该剧改编自同名原创动画《时光代理人》。
2025-01-10 11:38
吉林城德胜门是清同治年间扩城时为驻军开设的一座城门。该片从城门名称由来到周围军事、商业、文娱等方面进行讲述演绎,充分运用AIGC技术图生视频、文生视频,还原300年前老城景象。知所从来,方明所往,通过对话古今城市变化,感受中华民族现代文明发展,见证中国式现代化火热进程。 The Desheng Gate of Jilin City was a city gate opened for the garrison during the expansion of the city in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. This film tells and interprets from the origin of the gate's name to aspects such as the surrounding military, commerce, and cultural and entertainment. It makes full use of AIGC technologies like generating videos from images and generating videos from texts to restore the scene of the old city 300 years ago. Only by knowing where we came from can we understand where we are going. Through the dialogue about the changes of the city in ancient and modern times, we can feel the development of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and witness the dynamic process of Chinese-style modernization.
2024-12-16 16:36
吉林建制博物馆和吉海铁路总站旧址(吉林西站)都是比较文艺气息的老建筑,吉林西站更是被誉为中国最文艺火车站之一,短片以一位怀旧风格的女孩来演绎,改编了林徽因的诗词,复古气息充满屏幕。本系列视频引领了两处博物馆的换装打卡新时尚,广受好评。 Both the Jilin Establishment Museum and the former site of the Jilin-Hailong Railway General Station (Jilin West Station) are old buildings with a strong artistic flavor. The Jilin West Station is even hailed as one of the most artistic railway stations in China. The short film features a girl with a nostalgic style to perform, adapting the poems of Lin Huiyin, and the retro atmosphere fills the screen. This series of videos has led a new fashion of taking photos in period costumes at these two museums and has been widely praised.
2024-12-16 16:35
本片围绕着对梦想栖息之地的追寻展开,体现四平是一个充满魅力与希望的地方。全片以富有诗意和感染力的语言,展现了四平在自然、文化、发展、宜居和美食等多方面的特色,吸引人们前来。 This film revolves around the pursuit of a place where dreams reside, reflecting that Siping is a place full of charm and hope. The entire film uses a language rich in poetry and appeal to showcase Siping's characteristics in terms of nature, culture, development, livability, cuisine and many other aspects, attracting people to come.
2024-12-16 16:27
博士 硕士 庄稼汉
在吉林省梨树县三棵树村的“科技小院”试验田,中国农业大学在读博士沙野和同学们一起在地里忙碌着。他们打标记、量面积,把一块地细分出了多个试验区域。 In the experimental fields of the "Science and Technology Courtyard" in Sankeshu Village, Lishu County, Jilin Province, Sha Ye, a doctoral candidate at China Agricultural University, was busy in the fields together with his classmates. They put up markers and measured the areas, dividing a piece of land into multiple experimental sections.
2024-12-16 16:25
他,用26年的时间徒手种植3万多株树木,开垦出两个水塘为无数的鸟儿安家;他,为保护国家重点鸟类和维护自然生态平衡做出了积极的贡献。他,在爱鸟护鸟的道路上从未停歇,他就是八一湖畔护鸟人——刘晓光。 He spent 26 years planting more than 30,000 trees by hand and reclaimed two ponds to build homes for countless birds. He has made positive contributions to protecting the national key bird species and maintaining the balance of the natural ecosystem. He has never stopped on the path of loving and protecting birds. He is Liu Xiaoguang, the bird protector by the Bayi Lake.
2024-12-16 16:21