2023-11-01 09:18
方圆(黄磊 饰)和童文洁(海清 饰)结婚多年,膝下育有一女朵朵(张子枫 饰)。夫妻两人为了是否送朵朵出国念书这一问题争论不休,最终在未考虑周全的情况下将朵朵送出了国。没想到,这一举动却令整个家庭走向了濒临崩溃的边缘。 金琴琴(赵今麦 饰)从小到大都被人称为“神童”,尽管已经足够优秀,母亲吴佳妮(朱媛媛 饰)却依旧心心念念着琴琴能够出国深造,甚至为此不惜和丈夫金志明(韩青 饰)大动干戈。张小宇(胡先煦 饰)是含着金汤匙出生的富家公子,却和继母蒂娜(陈小纭 饰)势如水火,令夹在中间的父亲张亮忠(汪俊 饰)头痛,为了给惹是生非的儿子找一个出路,张亮忠将张小宇送出了国,张小宇在海外留学收获了成长。
2023-11-01 09:14
2023-10-31 15:43
2023-10-31 15:35
2023-10-31 15:27
因为家庭变故,三个没有血缘关系的小孩成为了新的家人,一同经历,相互扶持。然而,原生家庭造成的伤害依然存在,曾经伤害过他们的人也再次闯入,打着家人的旗号想把他们分开。一边是彼此认定相互珍惜的新家人,一边是无法选择、关系淡漠的亲生父母,他们勇敢面对,也努力让父母直面了自己的问题。以家人之名相互治愈,才能清醒无畏地走下去,成为更好的自己。 ►Synopsis: Because of some accidents of their families, three unrelated children have become new family members, living under the same roof together and supporting each other. However, the damages caused by their original families remain, and those who hurt them before crash into their life again, trying to separate them by the titles of their original family members. On the one hand, they have new family members that they cherish, and on the other hand, they have indifferent biological parents that leave them no choice. They confront the difficult situation bravely and try to make their parents realize their own problems. Only by healing each other as family members, can they go ahead fearlessly and turn into better selves.
2023-10-31 14:46
2023-10-31 10:46
女人三十,会有怎样的不同?是开始衰老还是心智成熟?是渐渐厌倦相处还是更加相信爱情?是迷失在日复一日的生活中还是成长为更好的自己?本剧以三位性格迥异的当代新女性为代表,透视女人在面对三十岁转折点时候的种种变化。在大学相识的她们,是闺蜜也是彼此的镜子,在来到三十岁这个关口时,她们遇到了不同的人生困惑和课题:家庭、事业、爱情、自我,通过她们的故事,折射出当下中国女性在新时代中的新处境、新问题、新思考和新姿态。不畏前行,三十而已! Will women be different when they are thirty? Are they getting old or mature? Do they prefer staying alone or with love? Do they get lost in routine life or grow up? This drama tries to explain how modern women, represented by the three with distinctive personalities, become different from what they were before the age of thirty. The three women were schoolmates in a college. Intimate and resembling each other, they gave their own answers to the challenges to a thirty-year-old woman: family, career, love and herself, and mirror the new status, new problems, new way of thinking and new attitude of Chinese women in a new era. I’m thirty, that’s all.
2023-10-31 08:50
上世纪90年代,金滩村的移民们从无到有地建设着他们的新家园,村干部马得福操心着通电、用水等桩桩件件的问题,他足够努力,却不自信未来什么时候来。直到国家新的扶贫政策出台,福建对宁夏的扶贫事业进行对口援助,并建立了合作样板闽宁村,陈金山、凌一农等一批优秀的福建干部、技术人员为闽宁镇洒下奋斗的汗水,帮助得福找到了未来的方向,麦苗、得宝等村里的年轻人也通过劳务输入、养殖等收获了自信。在发展的过程中,传统与现代,物质文明与精神文明,寻根与断根等问题不断突显,从西海固走出的人们没有忘记他们的初心,他们没有断根,而是把根扎在了这片更肥沃的地方,互相扶持着走上了康庄大道。 It tells the story of villagers from Ningxia who migrated and built Minning Town from scratch. The government wants to build the rural housing land and encourages the farmers of Xiji Country to migrate or relocate. However, the conditions of the desert are too harsh. The villagers who moved there mostly left the second day. Ma Defu uses every way to mobilize everybody to Diao Zhuang, and tries his best to get the villagers to stay. In 1966, the Party Central Committee made a strategic plan to promote counterpart cooperation between the East and the West, which identified Fujian counterparts to promote poverty alleviation work in Ningxia. Fujian experts came to the village to teach the villagers to grow mushrooms so that everyone was able to earn their first pot of gold. They then tried their best to find a market for the mushrooms. The workers in Fujian encouraged and promoted the export of labor services in Ningxia, and actively created conditions for the villagers to go to Fujian to work. Poverty alleviation policies have blossomed in all directions, and Minning Town has begun to take shape. Zhang Shucheng took the post of the Secretary of the Party Committee of Minning Town. While continuing the three-level water pumping project, he also strengthened the export of labor services and attracted investments. The appearance of Minning Town was given a new look, and more and more villagers signed up for relocation. As time passes, Minning Town was given a new lease of life.
2023-10-31 08:48
宋运辉到东海报到,成为东海化工领导班子里最年轻的副职。他将妻女接到东海工作生活,程开颜的懒惰和猜疑让两人间逐渐有了裂痕并且越来越深,以离婚收场。凭借过硬的业务能力和魄力,宋运辉不断发挥主心骨的作用,在前期筹备和组建合资厂的过程中一次次带领东海项目渡过难关,却也因风头太盛招致不满。小雷家改革步伐越迈越大,却因对安全问题的忽视导致铜厂爆炸,雷东宝因行贿遭遇牢狱之灾,出狱后建雷霆公司,收服手下人,给电线找到了销路。从入狱到出狱,韦春红一直是雷东宝背后的支撑。杨巡来到东海发展,把市场做得风生水起,在与外资代表梁思申的合作中,一面仰视着高阶层的梁思申,一面做着假账,被梁父发现,出手整治,加之寡母离世,杨巡遭受多重打击,小会计任遐迩陪在他身旁。出任中外合资厂外方经理的梁思申在工作中和宋运辉多有接触和交锋,彼此也为对方的能力所折服,两人都未明言,但内心已经越走越近。 Song Yunhui reports to work in Donghai, becoming the youngest deputy director on the leadership team of Donghai Chemicals. He brings his wife and daughter to work and live in Donghai. Cheng Kaiyan’s laziness and suspicious nature gradually cause a rift between her and Song Yunhui. The rift deepens and they end in divorce. The excellent abilities and resoluteness demonstrated by Song Yunhui make him the backbone of his team. During the preliminary preparations and establishment of the joint venture factory, Song Yunhui leads the Donghai project through the difficult times time and again. However, his high-profile actions have also caused dissatisfaction. The reforms in Lei Village increase in scope, but the disregard for safety issues causes the copper factory to explode. Lei Dongbao is imprisoned for bribery. After his release from prison, Lei Dongbao establishes Thunder Company, recruits his former subordinates, and finds a market for their electric wires. Wei Chunhong has stood behind Lei Dongbao from his imprisonment to his release. Yang Xun comes to develop his career in Donghai and his market is a success. During his cooperation with Liang Sishen, a foreign representative from the upper class, Yang Xun is drawn to her. On the other hand, he cooks the books of their business. Liang Sishen’s father finds out and takes action to punish him. Yang Xun suffers further setbacks when his widowed mother passes away. The young accountant, Ren Xia’er, stays by his side. Liang Sishen, who serves as the foreign manager of the Chinese-foreign joint venture factory, has had a lot of contact and confrontation with Song Yunhui at work. Song Yunhui and Liang Sishen are impressed by each other’s abilities. Although neither of them has made their feelings known, they have grown fond of each other.
2023-10-31 08:48
青年建筑师陆涛(李晨 饰)执着的要靠个人努力实现理想。他离开了昔日的富二代女友,也拒绝向曾经离弃自己的有钱父亲请托,与女友夏琳(董璇 饰)共同打拼。陆涛、夏琳与向南(郑恺 饰)、晓芸(李媛 饰)夫妻俩为朋友吴旭举办“分手仪式”,不想却连累向南丢了工作,失业的向南开始投身网店,依靠晓芸工作养家。陆涛为了替夏琳出头,导致两人双双失业。夏琳奔赴法国学习时尚的梦想再度搁浅,而陆涛更加干劲十足要凭借自己实力拿回青年设计师奖项。陆涛处处碰壁,不得已向生父求助……
2023-10-30 16:02
2023-10-30 15:18