故事发生在一个虚构的王国之中,在那里,居住着一群活泼善良的青蛙。四年一度的运动会即将来临,往届的运动会中,最终的冠军可以成为保护王国的勇士,而这一次,获胜者则能够迎娶蛙国的公主,因此,全国上下的勇士们纷纷摩拳擦掌,准备大干一番。 让大家没有想到的是,在这个节骨眼上,青蛙公主竟然离家出走,亦成为了参加运动会的一员,她遇见了强劲的对手闪电蛙,两人你争我斗,好不热闹。就在蛙国上下一片生机勃勃之时,隔壁的蛇国国王却在酝酿一个险恶的阴谋,它曾经被蛙国国王斩断了尾巴,希望借此机会一雪前耻。蛇国国王派出了蛙国的叛徒参加了运动会,紧张的气氛一触即发。 The story takes place in a fictional kingdom where a group of lively and kind-hearted frogs live. The quadrennial Sports Meeting is coming. In previous ones, the ultimate champion can become the warrior who protects the kingdom, and this time, the winner can marry the princess of the Frog Kingdom. Therefore, all the brave men of the country were ready to do their duty. To everyone's surprise, at this critical moment, the Frog Princess ran away from home and became a member of the Sports Meeting. She met her strong opponent, the Lightning Frog. They fought each other, and it was quite lively. Just as the Frog Kingdom was thriving, the king of the neighboring Snake Kingdom was brewing a sinister conspiracy. It had once had its tail cut off by the Frog Kingdom King, hoping to use this opportunity to avenge its past humiliation. The King of the Snake Kingdom sent traitors from the Frog Kingdom to participate in the Sports Meeting, and the tense atmosphere was about to erupt.