嗨,这里是桦甸!这里,蕴藏你我前世今生的邂逅。这里,林深地貌,民俗文化多样。这里,四时有景,青绿近在咫尺。这里,既是我的故乡,也是你的故乡。在这片传奇的土地上,有治愈心灵的山湖净地,也有“两园秘境”“四百奇观”,这里可以理解你的琐碎日常,也可以容纳你的俗世悲欢。 Hi, this is Huadian! Here, it holds the encounter of our past and present lives. Here, with its deep forests and diverse landforms, there is a rich variety of folk cultures. Here, there are beautiful scenes in all four seasons, and the greenery is within easy reach. Here, it is both my hometown and yours. On this legendary land, there are pure mountain and lake areas that heal the soul, as well as the "Two Parks' Mysterious Realm" and the "Four Hundred Wonders". It can understand your daily trifles and embrace your worldly joys and sorrows.