美丽的森林深处有一座安静祥和的卧龙谷有一处神奇的泉眼——许愿泉。它能帮助善良的小动物们实现一个奇妙的愿望。离卧龙谷不远处的山上有一个叫做豹园的山庄,里面住着一只名叫过大年的美女豹和一只叫做威猛虎的四肢发达头脑简单的小老虎,他俩每日窥伺着卧龙谷中的一举一动,妄图打败团团、欢欢父子,独占许愿泉、强霸卧龙谷,以满足自己的贪婪愿望。熊猫团团、欢欢坚守正义的理念,利用许愿泉的神奇魔力,一次又一次地阻止了过大年和威猛虎的野心! (英语)Not far away from Wolong Valley there sits a villa called Leopard Garden. In it live a leopard girl named New Year and a simple-minded tiger named Muscular. Every day, the greedy two watch Wolong Valley, waiting for a chance to take the Fountain of Wish and the whole Valley from panda Tuantuan and his son Huanhuan. Tuantuan and Huanhuan, under the order of the Jade Emperor and Justice, and using the magic power of the Fountain of Wish, defeat the greedy enemy again and again.