


  • 我的!体育老师


    2023-11-03 09:48

  • 我的经济适用男


    2023-11-03 09:36

  • 医道无界

    《医道无界》敬首个中国医师节。该片全面反映自1963年中国派出第一支援非医疗队后,55年来中国医疗援助非洲所作出的努力和成就,展现中国两万多名医疗队员践行“不畏艰苦、甘于奉献、救死扶伤、大爱无疆”的中国医疗队精神。 (英语)It is a TV documentary film, which comprehensively reflects the efforts and achievements of Chinese medical aid to Africa in the past 55 years since China sent its first medical team to support Africa in 1963. It records the medical team's sudden outbreak of Ebola, malaria and schistosomiasis, risking their lives to go deep into the epidemic areas and save their lives, the arduous efforts to control the spread of the epidemic and the amazing miracle of overcoming the plague record the true and touching story of mutual love and mutual rescue between the Chinese medical team and the African people.

    2023-11-03 09:34

  • 孔子


    2023-11-03 09:33

  • 渴望蓝天


    2023-11-03 09:28

  • 医者仁心

    仁华医院副院长武明训即将接任院长。赴美出差途中,顺道去拜访老同学,美国著名的心脏外科医生钟立行,不料却正遇上钟立行的妹妹车祸死亡。钟立行不能接受身为医生却无法救活妹妹的残酷现实而心理崩溃,武明训借机将钟立行带回国,一是帮他散心,二是希望能说动他回仁华就职,帮他建立仁华医院心脏外科的声誉,增加他就任院长的砝码。然而,钟立行的到来却在医院引起一连串的震动——他精湛的医术,专业的作风,对医生职业清教徒般的虔诚,让全院上下都被他吸引,也在武明训的妻子,麻醉科主任江一丹心中激起涟漪。 医院接二连三出事,是管理疏忽,是技术失误,还是无力回天的医学局限?武明训与钟立行产生严重分歧。二人都是充满理想与献身精神的医生,但却不得不在理想与现实中艰难跋涉。最后,他们终于找回了希波克拉底誓言给予的崇高责任,以及“医者仁心”的职业信仰。 (英语)Renhua Hospital Vice President Wu MingXun will soon take over the post of president. During a business trip to the United States, he visits his former schoolmate Zhong Lixing, a famous cardiothoracic surgeon in the US. Zhong Lixing’s sister was just killed in a car accident, but Zhong Lixing couldn’t accept the cruel fact that, even being a doctor, he couldn’t have saved her sister and feels like mentally breaking down. Wu Mingxun takes the chance to ask Zhong Lixing to come back to China. On the one hand, he wants to help Zhong Lixing relieve his sadness. On the other hand, he wants to persuade him to work at Renhua Hospital so as to help him build the reputation of the cardiac surgery department and add a boost to his succession to the president. However, Zhong Lixing’s arrival causes a series of stirs at the hospital. His superb medical skills, professionalism and Puritan dedication to the medical field make him so attractive at the hospital, and also cause a ripple in the heart of Wu Mingxun’s wife Jiang Yidan, Director of the Anesthesiology Department. Medical malpractices happen one after another at the hospital. Were these caused by negligence in management, or technical errors, or inability to reverse medical limitations? Wu Mingxun disagrees with Zhong Lixing in many aspects. Both are dedicated doctors bearing ideals, but they have to balance ideals and reality. Finally, they reassume the lofty responsibilities given by Hippocratic Oath and regain the professional belief as doctors.

    2023-11-03 09:26

  • 喀什四章


    2023-11-03 09:20

  • 巨虫公园大冒险


    2023-11-03 09:14

  • 警花与警犬


    2023-11-03 09:11

  • 蚁族的奋斗

    疾病等等人生一切的不如意。虎一帆与张晓燕却一直憧憬有个像样的房子,有个奢华的婚礼,为此,两人不惜窃取客户资源,陷入重重危机。在经历了撕心裂肺的事业和情感的纠葛之后,赵荣生、虎一帆逐渐看清了人生的真谛——真情不能丢弃,实干才出业绩! (英语)After college graduation, Zhao Rongsheng (played by Yang Suo) and Hu Yifan (played by Zhang Duo) live in an overcrowded apartment. Indomitable Zhao Rongsheng meets Chuchu (played by Zhang Jianing), but they keep a distance from each other because of their different identities. However, with the help of Hu Yifan and Zhang Xiaoyan (played by Wang Liwen), they finally get married and face up to financial stress, diseases and all sufferings in life together. Hu Yifan and Zhang Xiaoyan have been dreamed of having an extravagant wedding and living in a big house. To make that happen, they steal their clients’ resources and get into many troubles. After experiencing heartbreaking torments in both emotion and career, Zhao Rongsheng and Hu Yifan gradually realize the true meaning of life - true love and hard work.

    2023-11-03 09:11

  • 营盘镇警事

    模范警员范党育(张嘉译 饰)是上河村派出所所长,每天要面对各种各样复杂纠结、鸡毛蒜皮的邻里小事。比起大案,这样的小事更让人难以决断。此外,派出所的资金短缺问题也一直在困扰他。值得庆幸的是,在党育的身边,有高宇成(郭京飞 饰)、和雨桐(王笛 饰)、赵光明(丁海峰 饰)这帮尽职尽责的好友们在默默的支持,在不懈的努力之下,党育逐渐成为了村民心中最信任的对象。与此同时,党育一起长大的朋友秦天民(冯国强 饰)放下了北京的生意,自愿来到上河村,党育觉得如虎添翼。 然而,各种各样的麻烦接踵而来,利益和人情纠葛在一起,让党育忙得有些焦头烂额。一直以来都支持着党育的妻子,也在这个节骨眼上被查出患上了癌症,这给了党育本来就欠佳的身体又一次沉重的打击。 (英语)Model police officer Fan Dangyu (played by Zhang Jiayi) is the head of the Police Station in Shanghe Village. He handles all kinds of neighborhood disputes, trivial or complicated. It’s even more difficult to mediate such disputes compared with solving major criminal cases. Besides, he has been troubled with the shortage of funds for the police station. Fortunately, he is supported by a number of responsible colleagues and good friends, including Gao Yucheng (played by Guo Jingfei), He Yutong (played by Wang Di) and Zhao Guangming (played by Ding Haifeng). Under their unremitting efforts, Dangyu has gradually become the most trustworthy person among local villagers. Meanwhile, Dangyu’s childhood friend Qin Tianmin (played by Feng Guoqiang) gives up his business in Beijing and comes to the village to help him, making Dangyu feel more powerful. However, troubles come one after another and involve conflicts of interest and relations, making Dangyu completely exhausted. At this critical juncture, Dangyu’s wife who has been so supportive for him is diagnosed with cancer. That’s another blow to Dangyu who has been in poor health.

    2023-11-03 09:06

  • 京剧猫1

    猫土是一片猫的家园。自从邪恶的混沌统治了猫土后,混沌遮天蔽日,魔物肆虐横行。只有具有韵力的“京剧猫”才能带领大家打倒邪恶的首领解救猫土! 无父无母的白糖,年幼时因被京剧猫的始祖修所救,立誓长大后要成为伟大的京剧猫。白糖虽没有名门血统,但天赋过人,它依靠惊人的努力和永不言弃的信念,突破重重考验,终于成为了真正的京剧猫,并与小伙伴们一起净化邪恶势力,拯救猫土,解救家园!

    2023-11-03 09:06