六十岁的祺瑞年遭遇人生困境,老房子拆迁,老伴身患绝症离他而去。他揣着一笔拆迁款被抛到了人生的十字路口上。儿媳妇和姑爷为了得到这笔钱明争暗斗,搅得鸡犬不宁。祺瑞年跟儿子生活期间,因为不一样的价值观和生活习惯,儿媳妇跟他闹出很多矛盾,儿子夹在中间两头受气。祺瑞年明白了,生活是一个学习和适应的过程,人要活到老学到老,学习不是一时的而是一世的。祺瑞年是个京剧票友,去公园唱戏的时候,认识了同样丧偶的宋茹君,随着交往,二人逐渐产生了感情。儿子祺满雨认为父亲爱别的女人是背叛母亲。儿媳妇沈洁认为宋茹君跟祺瑞年好,完全是为了他口袋里的那笔拆迁款。祺瑞年的黄昏恋在家里起了轩然大波…… (英语)60-year-old Qi Ruinian runs into difficulties in life as his old house is demolished and his wife dies of cancer. He comes to the crossroad of his life with a sum of relocation allowance. His daughter-in-law and son-in-law fight openly and secretly for the money. Qi Ruinian lives in his son’s house and has many conflicts with his daughter-in-law due to their different values and living habits, making his son the monkey in the middle. Qi Ruinian realizes that life is a process of learning and adaption, and it’s never too late to learn and learning is not for a while but for a lifetime. Qi Ruinian has a keen to Peking Opera and gets acquainted with Song Rujun who has lost her husband. They gradually have a feeling for each other as they practice Peking Opera in the park. His son Qi Manyu takes Qi Ruinian’s affection for another woman as a betrayal of his mother. Qi Ruinian’s daughter-in-law Shen Jie believes that Song Rujun treats him well for the money. Qi Runian’s late-life love causes a storm at the family….
2023-11-03 00:33
与木府有世仇的女孩阿勒邱,小小年纪便被舅舅乔装打扮送入木府,要求她取得木府的信任,以便此后和舅舅里应外合,毁灭木府家族。然而,十年的木府生活却让阿勒邱对木府渐渐有了感情,并在舅舅主持的一场刺杀木家长孙木增的暗杀活动中救下了木增,二人之间暗生情愫。但由于两个家族的恩怨,二人并不能结为连理,于是相约殉情,最后被人救下。经历重重磨难后,阿勒邱终于嫁给了木增,在木府忍辱负重,与各色人物斡旋暗斗,带领木家突围困境,最终获得信任和尊重,化解仇恨成为木府当家女主人。 (英语)Aleqiu infiltrates the Mu clan as a child with the help of her uncle in order to take revenge on the Mu clan for the extermination of her own family. But ten years of living there has led to a growing affection for the Mu clan. Still possessing her youthful innocence and kindness, she saves Mu Zeng, heir to the governorship of Lijiang, during an assassination schemed by their uncle and falls in love with him secretly. However, because of the feud between the two families, they can't get married. They feel hopeless and decide to die together for love, and are fortunately saved. After many trials and tribulations, Aleqiu succeeds in marrying Mu Zeng. She continues to endure humiliation in the Mu clan, mediates and struggles with various figures. By leading the clan to break through the difficulties, she eventually gains trust and respect, and becomes the head mistress of the Mu clan.
2023-11-02 16:51
在中国这片神奇的土地上,有许多古老的传奇故事和雄伟奇浑的“世界之最”,但很多并不为世人所知。本片以现代文明和古老文明为两大主题线路,以古老技艺、风土人情、传奇历史、神秘物种为主要表现内容,通过孟非、蒋昌建、毕淑敏、贾平凹、谭咏麟、李克群等34位娱乐、文化领域的名人嘉宾以及10位记者,分赴全国34个省级行政区探秘的形式,为观众呈现一个不为大家所熟知的神奇中国。 (英语)The amazing land of China is home to ancient tales and gorgeous world records, though many of them remain unknown. Along the two themes, modern and ancient civilizations, 34 celebrities from entertainment and cultural circles, including Meng Fei, Jiang Changjian, Bi Shumin, Jia Pingwa, Alan Tam and Hacken Lee, as well as 10 reporters, will lead you deep into 34 provinces to discover the untold ancient techniques, local customs, legendary histories and mysterious species.
2023-11-02 16:14
纪录片《与全世界做生意》由央视纪录频道精英团队制作,团队主创曾制作过纪录片《大国崛起》《公司的力量》《舌尖上的中国》等。著名音乐人小柯为本片创作主题音乐,这也是小柯首次为纪录片作曲。本片共7集,每集50分钟。记录了经济全球化背景下中国人的生存面貌以及对财富和梦想的理解;通过生意人特有的创业精神与合作理念,呈现中国人的商业智慧,展现中国和世界的有效交流和共同进步。5月25日,7集大型纪录片《与全世界做生意》在CCTV-9晚20点首播。 本片为您讲述30多个正在发生的中国与世界之间的商业故事,摄制组足迹遍布亚、非、欧、北美、南美和南极六大洲,在中国、美国、意大利、日本、印度、蒙古、缅甸、卡塔尔、印尼、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、阿根廷等12个国家,对故事进行纪实跟踪拍摄和采访,描绘出发生在不同行业、不同国家和地区、不同文化背景下的精彩“生意”,以及被生意改变了的“生活”和“生命”。
2023-11-02 16:12
20世纪70年代,自尊好强的农家子弟孙少平(袁弘 饰)在原西县高中读书,与地主出身的郝红梅(汪芦云 饰)互生爱意。后来郝红梅与家境优越的班长顾养民(张浩天 饰)谈起了恋爱。同村同班的好友田润生(尹智玄 饰)为此打抱不平,狠狠地揍了顾养民一顿。倔强的少平不肯承认自己失恋,开始改变自己,积极参加学校大型演出的排练。好读课外书的少平敏感、自尊,吸引着县领导的女儿田晓霞(李小萌 饰)。孙少平高考意外落榜,回乡劳动。经历了一系列事件后,他断然拒绝县百货公司主任之女侯玉英(赵俊珺 饰)以进城为诱的追求,远离故土,外出打工谋生。孙少平的哥哥孙少安(王雷 饰)初中毕业就在家里劳动,与村支书田福堂的女儿田润叶(佟丽娅 饰)青梅竹马,他们的爱情却遭到田父的剧烈反对。最终,孙少安娶了勤劳善良的山西姑娘贺秀莲(吕一 饰),转型开办了烧砖窑,走上了致富路。孙少平依然漂泊在外…… (英语)The story begins in the 1970s. A self-respecting peasant boy Sun Shaoping (acted by Yuan Hong) goes to the county of Yuanxi to complete his high school. He falls in love with his classmate Hao Hongmei (acted by Wang Luyun), a girl of the landlord class descent. Later, Hao Hongmei begins another relationship with her monitor Gu Yangmin (acted by Zhang Haotian), a young man whose family is relatively much better than Sun Shaoping's. Tian Runsheng (acted by Yin Zhixuan), Sun Shaoping's classmate and friend from the same village, takes up the cudgel for Shaoping and beats Gu Yangmin. Out of a stubborn pride, Shaoping refuses to admit that he has broken up with Hao Hongmei and begins to change himself, actively participating in rehearsals for school-wide performances. Shaoping, a sensitive and self-respecting reader, is attracted to Tian Xiaoxia (acted by Li Xiaomeng), the daughter of a county leader. Sun Shaoping unexpectedly fails the college entrance exam and returns home to work in the field. After a series of events, he flatly rejects the pursuit of Hou Yuying (acted by Zhao Junjun), the daughter of the director of the county department store, on the condition that he can move to the county. He then leaves his hometown and works to earn a living. Sun Shaoping's elder brother Sun Shao'an (acted by Wang Lei) has been working in the field for the family since he finished junior high school. He and Tian Runye (acted by Tong Liya), the daughter of the village's Party secretary Tian Futang, are childhood sweethearts, but their love is met with fierce opposition from Runye's father. In the end, Sun Shao'an marries He Xiulian (acted by Lv Yi), a hard-working and kind-hearted girl from Shanxi Province, and starts a brick kiln to become wealthy. Away from hometown, Sun Shaoping hasn't settled down yet.
2023-11-02 16:06
2023-11-02 16:04
专情于来自农村,勤苦上进的王传志(沙溢 饰)。二人情意相属,但他们毕竟来自两个完全不同的世界,他们的爱情遭到各自亲朋的质疑,他们自己也会相互试探怀疑。好不容易走入婚姻殿堂,何琳的婆婆(顾艳 饰)又住进二人的小家。自古婆媳是冤家,他们家的战争格外激烈…… (英语)The beautiful Beijing girl He Lin (acted by Zhu Jie) is born in an intellectual family. As a beloved daughter, she is the jewel in the palm of her parents' hands, and hasn't run into difficulties whether in study or life. She never lacks earnest suitors, but she doesn't like the boys born in power or rich families, and is only interested in Wang Chuanzhi (acted by Sha Yi), a hardworking and self-motivated young man from the countryside. The two love each other, but after all, they are from two completely different worlds. Their love is questioned by their relatives and friends, and they themselves try to see each other's true heart. The long journey finally ends in marriage. But He Lin's mother-in-law (acted by Gu Yan) unexpectedly moves into the couple's small home. Since ancient times, it’s been hard for mother and wife to get along, and the war in He Lin's family is extraordinarily fierce...
2023-11-02 15:59
丝绸是最早令中国闻名世界的发明,中国因丝绸而与众不同。蚕吐出的丝只有0.02毫米,汉字中的 “细”字,就是中国古人用来形容茧丝的字。在他们看来,世间最细的东西,莫过于蚕吐出的丝。中国人的祖先用这根细丝去织、去绣,创造出华美的绫罗绸缎,让中国人有了和玉食相配的锦衣。不以细而不为之,并依势而动,这是一种中国智慧。本片从工艺和情感上去接近有名的、无名的以及无法谋面的丝织工匠,展示中国丝绸之美。
2023-11-02 15:57
北京某娱乐报社记者小米(李小璐 饰)与妇产科医生金亮(王雷 饰)地下恋多年,偷偷领了结婚证。此事在小米家引起了轩然大波。小米父母早年离婚,母亲王淑华(宋丹丹 饰)寡居,而父亲米范(范明 饰)已经续弦。本来,王淑华希望小米找个北京男孩,谁想冒出个北漂男孩,而且还生米煮成熟饭。这令她大为恼火,和小米大动干戈,气得犯了心脏病。好在前夫米范赶来劝说,让她接受了现实。不过,办婚礼的地点又却引发了双方新的战争。来自东北煤矿的金亮爸为他们购置了新房,并进行了装修,但希望婚礼在沈阳举行。这遭到了王淑华的坚决反对,她坚持婚礼要在北京办。小两口为了不得罪两边的父母,打算进行旅行结婚。没想到,王淑华却坚持要陪小两口旅行结婚……金亮与小米左右为难,他们的爱情能经受住种种考验吗?
2023-11-02 15:49
2023-11-02 15:44
2023-11-02 15:36
2023-11-02 15:29