2023-10-26 15:28
记住乡愁 国际版 第1-3季
《记住乡愁》国际版以弘扬中华优秀传统文化为宗旨,以生活化的故事讲述乡愁情感,主持人将带领观众发掘各地多元的文化历史,寻找文化传统,展现传统村落和历史街区的自然和人文景观、民风民俗和文化积淀。 《记住乡愁》国际版节目分别以古镇、长江和黄河为主线,以体验式的节目形式,符号化的场景模式,使用轻松活泼的叙事风格,邀请华裔和有中国文化背景的主持人参与节目,沉浸式体验中国传统,用海外观众熟悉的视听语言和叙述方式,娓娓道来的讲述传统的、朦胧的、乡土的中国故事。
2023-10-20 15:27
The Dream Zoo
The film portrays the remarkable journey of Hongshan Zoo during a global recession, highlighting its efforts to improve animal welfare and modernize despite financial challenges. Director Shen Zhijun's 2020 online speech catapulted the zoo to fame, but 2022 proved to be its toughest year. Leveraging 5G technology, the zoo engaged a nationwide audience through live broadcasts and online adoption initiatives. Despite ongoing financial constraints, the zoo's primary focus remains on animal welfare and creating natural habitats with minimal human interference. Director Shen emphasizes the zoo's role as a bridge between humans and wildlife, advocating for equality and respect. The release of roe deer and the work of the Wildlife Reception and Rescue Centre symbolize the zoo's commitment to species conservation, scientific research, and public education. Collaborations with academia reshape the zoo's mission, promoting harmony between humans and animals, with volunteers playing a crucial role in revolutionizing zoo culture and fostering environmental awareness. Through this transformative journey, the film instills a deep appreciation for nature's value and encourages harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.
2023-10-20 10:10
全片共分《纵横》《风起》《水流》《山峙》《共生》《追寻》六集,分别阐述了中国的山脉与海洋,不同地区的气候环境,河流、大山中可贵的生命,以及藏族地区、蒙古族地区、彝族地区、哈尼族地区等多个少数民族地区的传统生活方式,展示大自然的鬼斧神工。 (英语)An ode to the wild wonders, the six episodes, the Grand Sweep of Nature, Mountain-studded Nature, the Flowing Waters, the Rising Wind, Living with Nature and the Pursuit of Nature, are respectively dedicated to China’s mountains and seas, climates in different regions, rivers, respectful lives deep in mountains and the traditional lifestyles in the Tibetan, Mongolian, Yi, Hani and other ethnic re
2023-10-17 16:10
二十世纪六十年代,为减少沙尘暴危害,中国决定在高原荒漠塞罕坝上建立机械林场,防风阻沙蓄水源。冯程和覃雪梅等第一代种树人,来到了坝上,在荒漠上营造起万顷林海,这是人类改造自然的伟大创举。在长达半个世纪的时光里,塞罕坝人一刻也未曾忘记自己的使命,克服了常人难以想象的困难,创造了沙漠变绿洲、荒原变林海的奇迹,打造出了“世界上最大的人工森林”,冯程和他的伙伴们同进退,共患难,在工作与生活中,彼此体贴、爱护、帮扶,由最初的战友情,同志情,慢慢蜕变成了友情和爱情。 (英语)In the 1960s, the Chinese government decides to establish a mechanical forest farm and a sand-blocking water source on the Plateau Desert Saihanba to reduce sandstorm hazards. Feng Cheng, Qin Xuemei and other first-generation tree planters come to Saihanba and build a 10-thousand-hectare forest, representing a great pioneering undertaking of human transformation of the nature. For half a century, people there never forget their mission and overcome countless difficulties beyond the imagination of common people. They create the miracle of turning the desert into an oasis and the wasteland into a forest. They build the world’s largest artificial forest. Feng Cheng and his fellows get through difficulties together. They care and help each other in work and life, and enjoy their comradeship, friendship and love.
2023-10-17 15:43
2023-10-17 10:41
马可·波罗是13世纪来自意大利的世界著名的旅行家和商人。17岁时,他跟随父亲和叔叔,途经中东,历时四年多到达元朝。他在中国游历了17年,曾访问当时中国的许多古城,到过西南部的云南和东南地区。回到罗马后,他将自己在东方的传奇见闻讲述给民众听,却不幸被当局以“欺诈”的罪名抓捕入狱。尽管身处狱中,他还是口述了大量有关中国的故事,其狱友鲁斯蒂谦写下著名的《马可·波罗游记》,激起了欧洲民众对东方的热烈向往,对后来新航路的开辟产生了巨大影响。 (英语)Marco Polo was a famous traveler and merchant from Italy in the 13th century. At the age of 17, together with his father and uncle, Marco arrived in China in Yuan Dynasty, after four years’ travel via Middle East. During his 17 years’ stay in China, he visited many ancient cities as well as Yunnan in Southwest China and the Southeast region. Back to Rome, he shared his legendary trip with the public which, unfortunately, paid back with years in jail for “fraud”. In the prison, he told Rustichello da Pisa his stories in China and the latter wrote Travels of Marco Polo. The book aroused yearns in Europe towards the oriental world and greatly influenced the opening of the New Sea Route.
2023-10-17 10:18
1920年,青年毛泽东在长沙成立共产主义小组,发展党的基层组织。几年后,他创建井冈山革命根据地,率领红军粉粹国民党围剿,经过长征转战陕北。抗战时期,毛泽东领导敌后抗日根据地成功抵制日军大扫荡,并最终解放全中国,建立中华人民共和国。建国伊始,毛泽东主席领导中国人民抗美援朝、完成社会主义改造、主持党的“八大”,与全国人民共渡难关。六七十年代,中国“两弹一星”试验成功,中国现代化建设事业初现曙光。以毛泽东为核心的中央领导集体一面加快国内建设,一面进行外交突围,成功拿回联合国席位,实现中美建交。1976年,为中国解放和建设事业奋斗一生的毛泽东逝世,而他建立起的新中国正如初升的太阳,蒸蒸日上。 (英语)In 1920, young Mao Zedong founded a communist group in Changsha for the development of the CPC grassroots organization. A few years later, he founded a revolutionary base in Jinggangshan, then led the Red Army to defeat Kuomintang's encirclements, and proceeded to Northern Shaanxi after the Long March. During the Anti-Japanese War period, Mao Zedong led the anti-Japanese bases to successfully resist the Japanese army's raids, and eventually liberated the entire China and founded the People's Republic of China. After the country was founded, Chairman Mao Zedong led the Chinese people to win the "War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea" and complete the socialist transformation, and he presided over the 8th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to tide over the difficulties with the people of China. In the 1960s and 1970s, China tested its first atomic and hydrogen bombs and successfully launched its first man-made satellite, which marked the dawn of China's modernization. The collective leadership of the Central Government, with Mao Zedong at its core, accelerated domestic construction while carrying out diplomatic breakthroughs, successfully restoring the United Nations seat over and establishing diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Mao Zedong passed away in 1976, and the new China he had built was embarking on the road towards prosperity.
2023-10-17 10:07
在四川盆地向青藏高原的过渡地带,有一片绵延100多公里的莽莽群山,它就是雅安荥经、汉源交界处的大相岭。自然人文纪录片《万物竞荣大相岭》通过讲述人与自然和谐共生的故事,以小见大地展示共建地球生命共同体的实践和成果。 本片采用纪实的手法,讲述保护工作者宋心强、张冬玲深入大相岭人迹罕至的角落进行野保工作,提升生态系统多样性、稳定性、持续性的故事,揭示他们热爱与守护大相岭的心路历程,将人与自然和谐共生的理念和实践贯穿其中,并把镜头对准大相岭神秘绚丽的生态秘境和生机勃勃的万千生物,呈现出一个广阔、斑斓、空灵、绝美的自然殿堂。
2023-10-16 11:11
杜拉拉(徐静蕾 饰)是个初入职场的小白领,由于前任老板总是对她性骚扰,所以她决定跳槽,进入了著名跨国企业DB。DB的销售部金牌经理王伟(黄立行 饰)与HR副总监玫瑰(莫文蔚 饰)是一对地下情人,但是由于两人的工作压力都很大,以至于谁也无暇顾及家庭,双方大方分手。杜拉拉刚来DB,遇到了互相斗法的伊娃(李艾 饰)和海伦(吴佩慈 饰)。因为一次巧合,在电梯里邂逅了患有幽闭恐惧症的王伟,两人从此熟识。因为总公司高层要来中国分公司视察,因此中国区总经理和HR主管商量要重新装修公司。然而玫瑰却在此时患病需要动手术,其他人也避之不及,唯有初出茅庐的杜拉拉勇挑重担,并以其坚强不屈完成了这个重大的任务,受到了上司的赏识。而且,公司还在泰国举办了庆祝派对,期间杜拉拉与王伟擦出了爱情的火花,但是这段办公室恋情却遭遇了重重的阻力……
2023-10-13 15:56
2023-10-13 15:41
该剧改编自星零的同名小说。 讲述了神力被封的真神之子古晋与励志上进的新一代凤皇凤隐因一场意外相识,从此走上寻找凤隐仙元之路,此后在水凝兽阿音、妖族狐狸鸿奕、鹰族公主宴爽这些小伙伴的陪伴下,一路收集凤隐仙元,历经重重险阻,屡次挫败反派青霖及其属下的阻挠,助力凤隐涅槃回归,收获爱情友情亲情,维护世间和平、承担苍生大义的励志故事。
2023-10-13 15:23