


  • 她和她的群岛


    2023-10-13 15:04

  • 一路前行

    《一路前行》是东方卫视推出的环保公益纪实节目,由陈龙、胡歌、刘涛(按姓氏首字母排序)组成环保行动者小队。 该节目采用真人秀和纪录片相结合的方式,探寻什么是“绿色现代化”,擦亮“绿色”这个中国式现代化的鲜明底色 。 节目于2023年11月起每周六黄金档在东方卫视播出 。

    2023-10-13 11:00

  • 一座动物园的理想


    2023-10-13 10:50

  • 光明影院


    2023-10-13 10:38

  • 星空瞰华夏 第2季


    2023-10-13 10:10

  • 敦煌

    敦煌作为亚洲的心脏地带,曾是古代中西方交通的要道,中国、古印度、古希腊、中亚文明四种古老的旋律,在这里汇成千古绝唱。1900年,一把芨芨草捅开了这个沉睡千年的藏经洞,然而敦煌附近的官绅和士大夫们无人对这些经书感兴趣,有些官僚甚至认为这些古代写经的书法还不如自己写得好。即使是当时的甘肃学政叶昌炽和敦煌县长汪宗翰这样的读书人,离敦煌都很近,但由于没有实地考察的意识,也与这次大发现失之交臂。匈牙利人斯坦因却不远万里,苦等数月,终于劫得宝藏。该片从敦煌的传奇发现讲起,描摹了敦煌莫高窟迷人的艺术杰作和文化宝藏,讲述了敦煌从繁盛到浩劫的曲折历史,也记叙了几代中国人对敦煌文化的保护与弘扬。 (英语)Dunhuang, resting in the heart of Asia, was the communication pivot between ancient east and west civilizations. Ancient cultures of China, India, Greece and Central Asia blended here and sparkle spectacular glories. In 1990, a bundle of straw poked into the cave of sutras. Officials and scholars nearby showed no interest in the valuable sutras. Some believed the calligraphy of the ancient scrolls was so poor that they could do better. It was a shame that Ye Changzhi, education administrator of Gansu and Wang Zonghan, governor of Dunhuang County, highbrows not far from the site yet without knowing the importance of field investigation, missed the chance for an astonishing archaeological discovery. Hungarian Marc Aurel Stein came all the way to the site. He waited for months before he looted treasures. The documentary, starting from the discovery of Dunhuang, exhibits the splendid artistic and cultural works in Mogao Gottos, depicts the history from the heyday to the doom of the property, and introduces how generations of Chinese preserved and passed down Dunhuang culture.

    2023-10-10 16:58

  • 儿女情更长

    在一起了,她想以此来维系兄妹之间的感情。但,只有从舰队退役的大哥建国来了,其他人都借故未到。站在父母墓前,建菊难过得哭泣。她向父母承诺,明年一定把全家人都带来。建菊的儿子童沙波是一名IT工程师,孝顺的沙波提出婚后跟母亲住一起,但遭到未婚妻和未来岳母的强烈反对,未婚妻与其分手。心碎的沙波爱上婚礼化妆师谭文静,她与建菊一样也是一位单身母亲。建菊身患乳腺癌,已到晚期。她决定瞒住亲人不准备治疗。即将离开人世的大姐奔走于兄弟姐妹之间,化解他们之间的种种矛盾。建菊去世那天,全家人聚齐了,沙波按母亲的遗愿将骨灰海葬。 (英语)Parents of the Tong family have died for twelve years, yet the story of the Tong family is still going on. On the anniversary of her mother's death, Tong Jianju, the eldest daughter, makes an appointment with her relatives to mourn her mother at the cemetery, in order to maintain the bond between the siblings. They haven't gotten together for years. Eventually, only the eldest son Jianguo, who has retired from the fleet, comes, and everyone else fails to show up for various reasons. Jianju bursts into tears in front of her parents' grave. She promises she will bring the whole family next year. Tong Shapo, Jianju's son and an IT engineer, proposes to live with his mother after marriage to better fulfill his filial duty, which causes strong opposition from his fiancée and future mother-in-law and his fiancée's breaking up with him. Heartbroken Shabo falls in love with wedding makeup artist Tan Wenjing, who, like Jianju, is also a single mother. Jianju is suffering from breast cancer at an advanced stage. She decides to hide it from her loved ones and not to be treated. She makes herself busy resolving the conflicts between her siblings. The whole family finally gathers on the day Jianju dies. Shapo later scatters his mother's ashes at sea as she had wished.

    2023-10-10 16:52

  • 反恐特战队

    武警战士杨灿背负已故父亲的遗愿加入特战队,但内心并不想留下,经常与铁血女教官那敏“针锋相对”互相争吵。一次处理突发状况的实战,让杨灿改变了想法,决心留在特战队。机敏过人的杨灿逐渐和大家打成一片,并和那敏产生了爱情。那敏前男友厉剑锋执行完特别任务归队,再次拨动了那敏的心弦,杨灿和那敏的关系也微妙起来。这时,杨灿生父林指山突然归国,并反常地关心起杨灿母亲。在经历潜伏、反劫机、捣毁暴恐分子巢穴等战斗后,杨灿逐渐成熟。最后,杨灿以林指山亲生儿子的身份潜入敌营,与战友一起摧毁敌人的阴谋,拉开了特战队与暴恐分子的终极之战。 (英语)Armed police Yang Can unwillingly joins the anti-terrorist squad at his late father's will. He often quarrels with the cool female captain Na Min. A practical battle to deal with an unexpected situation makes Yang Can change his mind and resolve to stay in the squad. He gradually mingles with others in the squad and falls in love with Na Min. After Na Min's ex-boyfriend Li Jianfeng returns from a special mission, she begins to waver, and her relationship with Yang Can becomes unpredictable. At this time, Yang Chan's biological father Lin Zhishan suddenly returns to China and shows concern for Yang Can's mother. After experiencing battles such as ambush, anti-hijacking and destroying the nest of terrorists, Yang Can gradually matures. In the end, Yang Can infiltrates into the terrorist camp and destroys the enemy's plot together with his comrades.

    2023-10-10 16:44

  • 粉墨宝贝

    墨墨是一个顽皮捣蛋的街舞少年,机缘巧合之下,被看重他身手的包老师留在了小昆班当义务劳动生。墨墨十分机灵,街舞跳得很好,但同时也很调皮,包老师为了管住这个“问题儿童”,使用“激将法”,故意不让墨墨参与正式演出,这反而让墨墨更加认真地投入到训练之中。粉粉是一个家境贫寒但十分乖巧的女孩,原本报考小昆班演奏组的她在墨墨的“掺和”下,考取了演员组。两人互帮互助,最终一起站在了戏台之上。 (英语)Momo is a naughty hip-hop boy. Mr. Bao finds his talent and asks him to join the Kunqu Opera troupe as a volunteer. Momo is smart. He is good at street dance and very naughty. Mr. Bao adopts a “provoking tactic” to tame the troublemaker. Momo is excluded from official performances, and this prompts him to train harder. Fenfen is a nice girl from a poor family. She applies for the musician training. Momo encourages her to join the performer training. The two help each other and finally make their debut on stage.

    2023-10-10 16:36

  • 奋斗

    对前途充满了憧憬与期望的陆涛(佟大为 饰)刚刚大学毕业,女友米莱(王络丹 饰)带来好友夏琳(马伊俐 饰)一起庆祝。没想到陆涛和夏琳一见钟情,爱情火花燃烧得浓烈的二人不顾一切地相爱了。担心伤害身边的人,他们俩没有公开爱情,但被早已疑心的米莱撞破。伤心的米莱远走他乡。身处热恋中的陆涛和夏琳也希望好友能感染爱情的魔力,介绍向南和杨晓芸(李小璐 饰)认识。没想到这两人来了个闪电结婚,让周围人措手不及。面对事业,刚刚毕业的他们不是碰了一头灰,就是认识到理想与现实之间的落差。这个时候,陆涛的亲生父亲回来了…… (英语)Lu Tao (acted by Tong Dawei) has just graduated from college and celebrates his graduation with his girlfriend Mi Lai (acted by Wang Loudan) and Mi Lai's friend Xia Lin (acted by Ma Yili). Lu Tao and Xia Lin, who just meet for the first time, fall in love unexpectedly. Not wanting to hurt those around them, the two decide to hide their relationship, which is soon found out by Mi Lai. The grieving Mi Lai leaves for another city. Lu Tao and Xia Lin, who are eager to help their friends taste the magic of love, introduce Xiang Nan to Yang Xiaoyun (acted by Li Xiaolu). The two soon surprise everyone with a flash marriage. But things are not going smoothly with their careers. The fresh graduates run into a wall now and then, realizing the gap between their ideals and reality. At this time, Lu Tao's biological father returns...

    2023-10-10 16:30

  • 红高粱

    20世纪30年代初,山东高密地区土匪横行,民不聊生。东北乡破落地主家19岁的女儿九儿,被贪财的父亲许给了麻风病的酒坊主儿子单扁郎,孔武有力的杠子头余占鳌喜欢九儿,杀掉了单家父子,九儿和余占鳌开始了一段不被乡民认可的爱情,并有了两个孩子。在酿酒师傅罗汉等人的帮助下,九儿逐渐从一个单纯的少女成长为干练的高粱酒坊女掌柜, 振兴了单家酒坊。余占鳌则带领兄弟们组成自己的武装力量,周旋于当地政府,土匪花脖子以及铁板会等多股势力之间。七七事变爆发,日军进占山东,打破了高密县往日的繁荣,在民族大义面前,余占鳌和各方势力不计前嫌,停止争端,共同抗日。内忧外患之际,九儿带领队伍,将日本鬼子引到了高粱地,点燃红高粱,与敌人同归于尽,用自己的生命在这片充满生命力的山东高密大地上撰写了爱与征服,野心和意志的传奇故事。

    2023-10-10 11:07

  • 红楼梦

    巍巍皇城,紫气东来。贾、史、王、薛四大家族,尽享巨大财富,却不知富贵终有尽,整天沉湎于纸醉金迷之中,不愿苏醒。在荣国府,含玉而生的公子哥贾宝玉(杨洋 饰)与姐妹们无忧无虑地成长,吟诗作赋,猜谜烹肉,书写感时伤怀的诗词。他与远房表妹林黛玉(蒋梦婕 饰)两小无猜,情投意合,但几番试探,两人倒互相误会。后来,宝玉被父亲赶出家门历练,不料中途被盗,下落不明,本就娇弱的黛玉听闻此讯,悲痛欲绝,泪尽而逝。红极一时的贾家也因在官场斗争中被击败而被抄家,自此全面败落,众人流离失所……。本片根据中国古典四大名著之一的《红楼梦》改编。

    2023-10-10 09:41